NURI Coordination Function - Umoja House 2nd Floor, Plot 20 Nakasero Road.

  • 0312351600

What We Do:

What is NURI?

NURI (Northern Uganda Resilience Initiative) is one of eight development engagements under the Denmark-Uganda Country Programme 2018–2022. Overall, the County Programme aims to contribute to poverty reduction through inclusive and sustainable economic growth, promoting democracy, good governance and human rights, and support Uganda’s stabilizing role in the region.


NURI is the largest of the three Development Engagements under UPSIDE and contributes to the objective of sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The total Danish contribution to NURI is DKK 325 million over the five-year period from 2018-2022, with one output area having started in mid-2018, and the other two at the start of 2019. DKK 35 million of the budget-frame derives from the Danish Climate Change Envelope (CCE).

NURI’s Objectives:

The objective of NURI at outcome level is enhanced resilience and equitable economic development in supported areas of Northern Uganda, including for refugees and refugee-hosting communities. NURI pursues this objective by supporting activities in climate smart agriculture (CSA), rural infrastructure (RI), and water resources management (WRM).Activities in support of agriculture focus on improving farmers knowledge on climate-smart production methods, as well as their understanding of, and ability to engage with, markets and services. Support to rural infrastructure and water resource management are in those areas that contribute to agriculture sector outcomes, particularly access to markets and improving water resource management within the landscape. Water Resource Management activities address selected micro-catchments within the Ministry of Water and Environments wider plans for Northern Ugandan watersheds.

NURI's Beneficiaries:

In order to support Uganda’s progressive refugee policy and the nexus between development and humanitarian action, refugees and their host communities are among the beneficiaries in those NURI implementing districts hosting refugee settlements.


The technical implementation of NURI programme is overseen by NURI Coordination Function which is a decentralised unit of the Royal Danish Embassy with its head office in Kampala. NURI CF has 10 technical staff who oversee the activity implementation by the implementing partners and units including the DLGs. CF provides technical backstopping and support in all the programme output areas.